Today, I sit in McMinnville, Oregon and watch the rain from a hotel window. This is my first true experience in smalltown America. I must say, it is pretty charming. The corporations that deluge the outskirts can fall off a cliff, but the town center is lovely. The sky is clear. The trees are green. I think I could get used to this.
I have completed my last essay for the semester, and I am officially done with the 2008-2009 school year. I await tomorrow morning's weather. Today we were rained out. I have not moved for about 6 hours. Sitting, Typing. Reading. Listening. Watching. Dreaming. I swear that I forgot the meaning of down-time. It is kind of nice.
Be on the look out for new updates to the Anarchy Archives. This past semester, the Claremont Anarchist Collective put forth a lot of work to make the website a bit more contemporary. We did some research into modern Anarchist movements, and will be posting our projects on the site in other to spread more awareness about such issues: Chiapas, South Central Urban Garden, Argentina's collectivized factories, etc. The issue that I am bringing depth to is the uprising in Oaxaca, Mexico. I am in the finishing touches of my work.
I feel very wary when approaching a topic so deep as the meaning of life. I feel that in no way am I, or anyone for that matter, truly qualified to make some sort of statement that can be grasped and applied. However, I will attempt at this moment to explain it in context of my own life.
The meaning of life, to me, is a two fold topic. There is something that I strive for both at an individual level, and at a social level. They kind of coincide, but sometimes may not:
For me, I seek to endure as many experiences in life as possible. I feel that the only things that are really worth putting time, thought, and effort into are things that are going to last forever. These, are typically experiences. However, in my case, the tangible things that I most like are also non-depleting: books, music, tattoos. But, in terms of experience, one should try to rack up as much as possible in order to expand and blossom into a more well-rounded figure. This not only aids in finding new interests, developing talents, and closening relationships with peers; it also helps us strive for happiness. The more we can contextualize our surroundings, the better we can understand our role in the world.
For others, I seek to make an impact on as many lives as possible. I seek to make a long term impact. Perhaps, people will not always remember me, and that is swell. But, I hope to share an important part of myself with all those I have a chance in order to open new horizons to them as well. For I hope they seek the same self-growth as I do. Perhaps I introduce a new thought, a new band, or a new food. This all aids in the process. If possible, I would hope to make an everlasting impression all those who are around me. I would like to make a positive impact on as many people as possible so that someday my legacy is remembered. When we die, all that will remain of us is the memory of those who felt our presence, and a large stone covered in moss. And I hope to be able to make a lasting impression even after I die. Perhaps people will read of me in a book and say, "That Troy Kokkinis was a gnarly guy." Kind of in the same manner as I would for someone like George Orwell, Buenaventura Durruti, or Johnny Olmos.
Once in a while, there is someone that comes along and is able to do that same thing to you. This person is unique, different, and consists of depth. This is the type of person that you feel okay to lose because you feel they will always live at your side. The everlasting memory of the times together and knowledge shared is tattooed to the mind. The person that opens up to you, and allows you to open to them. The person that shares with you as much as you share with them. This is the type of person we remember. And, when life takes a different path, we are okay. We understand. I understand. Some things aren't meant to be. But, that doesn't mean that they are not something. Only eternity lasts forever. Everything else can fall like dust through our fingertips when least expected. But, there will always be a small handful that just stick to our palms, into our blood; straight to our hearts.
She will always be remembered. She will always be here. And, her memory will always be smiled upon.

I Would Set Myself On Fire For You
Swing Kids
Portraits of Past
Mikal Laboa
Brutal Knights
Sunny Day Real Estate
Godspeed You! Black Emperor
Mikis Theodorakis
Oi Va Voi
This may not be so meaningful for you because it’s coming from a stranger, but regardless I feel I should leave this comment. I knew you from back in the day, at Holy Name, but I’m almost positive that you don’t know who I am. I’m a bit younger than you are, and I probably remember you because I had something of a crush on you in middle school. (I’ll admit it now because that was many years ago, and essentially besides my point. I just want you to have some kind of understanding as to where this comment is coming from). Anyway, for reasons that I won’t get into, I came across your name recently, and decided to look you up, mainly out of curiosity. I guess where I’m going with this is I am just completely blown away with the kind of person you have become. Of course, I can’t pretend that I had ever known you to begin with…but all your photographs and entries are so beautiful and captivating. I must say I deeply admire the things that you’ve done and are setting out to do. You have really made something of yourself, and it’s moved me somehow. To have come across someone from my childhood and to see this kind of growth and maturity is truly an inspiration. Oddly enough, it makes me stop and wonder where it is I’m going, and what it is I expect to accomplish and experience. I can only hope to one day have something to show for like you have now. As corny as it sounds, I feel as if coming across your entries at this point in my life has stirred me in ways that have pushed me to reassess myself and to reconsider aspirations that I’ve been placing on the back burner for some time. Ultimately, I understand that I do not know you at all, and perhaps most of my notions of you are self-conceived…but even so, even if I’ve made you to be some sort of symbol for me, I still want to thank you. I’ve battled with myself for awhile, deciding whether or not I should reach you, fearful that a comment like this would just be too unconventional for you to take seriously. But I realize that one of your most elemental objectives it to be able to impact someone, so much so that you note it under your purposes for living. That said, I feel that I owe it to you to share with you the impact you have made on me. Thanks, Troy. You’re a gnarly guy, heh. It’s a shame really, judging by your recent abstract of your anticipated trip, we’re only a few days short of being in Florence, Italy at the same time as I tour the country with a Chamber Chorus. Otherwise I may have worked up the courage to give you details about our performances, in the off chance that our paths cross. However, I feel content after having said my peace. I hope this comment proves as encouraging for you somehow, especially before your next great European adventure. Best of luck in the future, and please keep doing what you’re doing, as I have faith that you will accomplish great things. And congratulations – you’ve inspired someone.
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